Acta Scientiarum Polonorum
Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria

ISSN:1644-0722, e-ISSN:2450-7997

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English     Język polski
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Manuscript preparation

  1. Manuscripts for publishing must confirm to the manuscript proceedings. All submitted papers written in English must be prepared according to the following rules.
  2. Paper length – in general papers should not exceed 12 pages (A4-format) inclusive of tables and illustrations (standard margins 2.5 cm).
  3. Manuscripts’ style – the use of font type of Times New Roman and size of 12 pt 1.5-spaced is required. Font styles like bold and italic are accepted but without underlying of letters, words and sentences.
  4. Tables and illustrations should not exceed 12.5 cm × 19.5 cm. Tables and illustrations should be numbered consistently and given a suitable caption. Illustration best to be sent in authentic source files (e.g. if a drawing has been created in Corel Draw or Excel, you are kindly asked to attach it in the files of these programs).
  5. Tables descriptions, descriptions of illustrations and figures must be written in English. Tables’ and figures’ numbers in Arabic numerals.
  6. Units: the SI system should be used, e.g. g·dm-3 or g/dm3.
  7. Literature references in text – the author’s last names and year of publications should be given in brackets, e.g. (Kowalski and Lewandowski, 2000; Lewandowski, 2001; Zalewski et al., 2003) or “...according to Kowalski (2000)”. All literature data mentioned in the text must be given in the literature references. The publisher reserves the right to the abbreviations and changes.
  8. Literature references – must be listed alphabetically in the form as following: the author’s (authors’), last name(-s) with initials, year of publication (if more than one publication of the same authors, each should be marked by the letter a, b, c, etc. placed after year), article’s title (original Polish and translated into English), place, volume number, issue number, page numbering.


See Examples.


The text