Submission Step-by-step
1. Login
- Are you a new user? Please select “Submit manuscript and next click Register new user button from the menu at the right and enter the requested information.
- Select log in from the menu at the right, enter your username and password and then click the appropriate log in button. If you wish to change your email, password or other details, you can update your Logforum account by selecting "Edit my profile" after you log in.
- Have you registered on this site but forgotten your password? Simply click Reset my password.
2. Create new submission
- After login click “Add new article” button and enter the requested information:
- Kind f article (Original article, Case study, Review)
- Title f the manuscript
- Structured abstract(Backgrund, Materials and methods, Results, Conclusions) if the manuscript is Original article or Case study or Summary if the manuscript is Review
- 4-6 keywrds
and click Save data button
3. Edit existing submission
- After lgin click any buttn in “My articles in preparation” window
4. Edit authors
- Click “Add author” button (In Save article window or in “My articles in preparation” window)
- You can add self as author. Click “Add author” button arrow button and click “Add my data as author”.
- You can change the order of authors. Click arrow button after author name to up or down.

- If you want change data of author click on the name of author
- If you want delete author click delete button

5. Edit manuscript files
- Click “Add files” button. First you should add the main manuscript file. This file should be text file in MS Word format (doc, docx, rtf) and should contain ??? (see Information’s for authors) and shouldn’t contain any personal information’s (see -> Remove hidden data and personal information by inspecting documents). Click “Browse” button and select file from documents on your computer.
- Next, you can click “Add files” and add another files (e.g. graphs, tables, images).
6. Sign and send copyrignt form
- Click “Add Copyright assignment” button. In new window click „Authors copyright form&rdquo button. Print and scan signed (by all authors) form. Click “Browse” button and select scanned form from documents on your computer and click „Send file &rdquo button. Scanned form should be image file (pdf,jpg, tiff).
6. Edit reviewers suggestions
- Click “Reviewers suggestion” button. In new window fill all fileds (first name, last name, email, affiliation of suggested reviewers). Porpose only external reviewers (from another universitiens than authors), one from another country than authors.
7. Submit manuscript
- Check all fields. Click „Submit&rdquo button.