In all, 105 impressive lime trees were inventoried in the Lipka commune of which Tilia cordata Mill. (95 trees) turned out to be the most numerous. The remaining taxa T. ×europaea L., T. platyphyllos Scop. and T. tomentosa Moench had only a very small share. Majority of valuable limes (67) were found to grow along district, local and dirt roads forming avenues. Lime trees in good and very good health condition predominated. From among the impressive lime trees, there were three current monumental trees as well as 55 trees with monument circumferences. Thanks to the elaboration of a comprehensive dendrological documentation, it will be possible to protect impressive lime trees which may become one of important touristic attractions of the Lipka commune.
MLA | Szczepański, Mariusz, et al. "Impressive lime trees in the Lipka commune (Wielkopolska Voivodeship)." Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 12.2 (2013): . |
APA | Szczepański M., Wrońska-Pilarek D., Janyszek M. (2013). Impressive lime trees in the Lipka commune (Wielkopolska Voivodeship). Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 12 (2), |
ISO 690 | SZCZEPAńSKI, Mariusz, WROńSKA-PILAREK, Dorota, JANYSZEK, Magdalena. Impressive lime trees in the Lipka commune (Wielkopolska Voivodeship). Acta Sci.Pol. Silv., 2013, 12.2: . |