The aim of the study is to determine non-economic forest values on the basis of economic value. In randomly selected stands, a point method of forest valorisation was carried out in relation to three groups of functions: protective, health-recreational and production. On the basis of the tax description, the economic value of the forest was calculated, using the indicators of the expected value of one hectare of stand. For the analysis of the relationship between the assessed function group forest stand and the value expected by analysis of correlation coefficient of Spearman were applied. The research results indicate that there is a significant relationship between non-economic functions and the expected value of the forest. Further development of valorisation methods for forest functions in terms of an objective assessment of forest condition can be used in the future for the valuation of the total forest value.
MLA | Glura, Jakub, et al. "Zastosowanie waloryzacji funkcji lasów do wyceny pozagospodarczej wartości obszarów leśnych [Application of valorisation of forest functions to the valuation of values non-economic forest areas]." Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 16.4 (2017): . https://doi.org/10.17306/J.AFW.2017.4.26 |
APA | Glura J., Gołojuch P., Ankudo-Jankowska A. (2017). Zastosowanie waloryzacji funkcji lasów do wyceny pozagospodarczej wartości obszarów leśnych [Application of valorisation of forest functions to the valuation of values non-economic forest areas]. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 16 (4), https://doi.org/10.17306/J.AFW.2017.4.26 |
ISO 690 | GLURA, Jakub, GOłOJUCH, Piotr, ANKUDO-JANKOWSKA, Anna. Zastosowanie waloryzacji funkcji lasów do wyceny pozagospodarczej wartości obszarów leśnych [Application of valorisation of forest functions to the valuation of values non-economic forest areas]. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv., 2017, 16.4: . https://doi.org/10.17306/J.AFW.2017.4.26 |