Introduction. Basic parameters of strip roads include their width and distance between them (their spacing). Values of these parameters are specified in respective binding guidelines. The aim of this study was to assess actual widths of strip roads and their spacing for mechanized timber harvesting in thinning of pine stands.
Material and methods. Parameters of strip roads for mechanized harvesting were measured in five stands. Additionally –for comparative purposes –in one stand strip road measurements were taken for the motor-manual felling technology. Strip road width was measured at each 10-m section of its length. It was the sum of the distance from the tracks of machine passage to the nearest tree from on sides of the road. Distances between strip roads were measured in border points of 10-m strip road sections.
Results. Mean strip road widths for individual stands ranged from approx. 360 cm to almost 480 cm, with greater values (over 400 cm) recorded in the two oldest stands and smaller (max.380 cm) in the other, younger stands. Distances between the strip roads as a rule were greater than the 20 m recommended for mechanized timber harvesting.
Conclusions. Both in the case of strip road width and distances between them statistically significant differences were found between stands (compartments). Within stands such differences were recorded only for the distance between strip roads.
MLA | Stempski, Włodzimierz, and Dariusz Rutkowski. "Szerokości szlaków operacyjnych i odstępy między nimi w praktyce maszynowego pozyskiwania drewna w trzebieżach drzewostanów sosnowych [The width and spacing of strip roads in practice of mechanized timber harvesting in thinning of pine stands]." Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 20.3 (2021): . https://doi.org/10.17306/J.AFW.2021.3.12 |
APA | (2021). Szerokości szlaków operacyjnych i odstępy między nimi w praktyce maszynowego pozyskiwania drewna w trzebieżach drzewostanów sosnowych [The width and spacing of strip roads in practice of mechanized timber harvesting in thinning of pine stands]. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 20 (3), https://doi.org/10.17306/J.AFW.2021.3.12 |
ISO 690 | STEMPSKI, Włodzimierz, RUTKOWSKI, Dariusz. Szerokości szlaków operacyjnych i odstępy między nimi w praktyce maszynowego pozyskiwania drewna w trzebieżach drzewostanów sosnowych [The width and spacing of strip roads in practice of mechanized timber harvesting in thinning of pine stands]. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv., 2021, 20.3: . https://doi.org/10.17306/J.AFW.2021.3.12 |