Stanisław Gałązka, Roman Gornowicz, Zenon Pilarek
Effect of different methods of management of post clear cutting residues on soil carbon content
Abstract Forests play a very important role in the process of the carbon cycle in the natural environment and timber harvesting disturbs the natural circulation of this element considerably. Moreover, the way of handling the post clear cutting residues can also influence the accumulation of carbon in the soil. Usually, increased contents of organic carbon in the near-surface layers of mineral forest soils were observed in the first year following the stand removal. The greatest soil carbon enrichment was recorded when branches were ground and mixed with the mineral soil. Considerable variations in the observed contents of organic carbon in the near-surface layer of mineral soils during the first two years after clear cutting and later makes it impossible to indicate the most advantageous method of management of post clear cutting residues.
For citation:
Gałązka, Stanisław, et al. "Effect of different methods of management of post clear cutting residues on soil carbon content." Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 6.4 (2007): . |
Gałązka S., Gornowicz R., Pilarek Z. (2007). Effect of different methods of management of post clear cutting residues on soil carbon content. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 6 (4), |
ISO 690 |
GAłąZKA, Stanisław, GORNOWICZ, Roman, PILAREK, Zenon. Effect of different methods of management of post clear cutting residues on soil carbon content. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv., 2007, 6.4: . |