Jiří Schneider, Petr Kupec, Alice Melicharová, Katarína Domokošová, Ilja Vyskot
Usage of ecosystem forest functions evaluation for the assessment of investment project realization influence to forest ecosystems on the example of natural preserve Klánovický les – Cyrilov
Abstract Investment project for 18 holes golf resort realization is situated in the locality of Klánovický les. Locality is a part of the natural park Klánovice-Čihadla and supra-regional bio-centre Vidrholec. Prevailing area of locality creates the west part of natural preserve Klánovický les – Cyrilov. Cadastral area Klánovice is incorporated to the 1st proposed zone of suburban recreational forests of capital Prague. Evaluation of influence of proposed golf resort to forest ecosystems of locality Klánovický les was elaborated with usage the method Quantification and Evaluation of forest functions by Prof. Vyskot and coll. 2003. Used method evaluates all-society forest functions in ecosystem conception, where all groups of forest functions produced by forest ecosystem are on equivalent importance, but do not have equivalent quality. Ecosystem damage was carried out for main stand types (types of forest ecosystem) within the most presented functional (forest) management group (most presented site types) in all of the groups af all-society forest functions – bioproduction, ecological-stabilization, hydric-water management, edaphic-soil-conservation, social-recreation and sanitary-hygienic function. The resulting average ecological damage was financially expressed by CZK and transferred to Euro.
For citation:
Schneider, Jiří, et al. "Usage of ecosystem forest functions evaluation for the assessment of investment project realization influence to forest ecosystems on the example of natural preserve Klánovický les – Cyrilov." Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 7.2 (2008): . |
Schneider J., Kupec P., Melicharová A., Domokošová K., Vyskot I. (2008). Usage of ecosystem forest functions evaluation for the assessment of investment project realization influence to forest ecosystems on the example of natural preserve Klánovický les – Cyrilov. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 7 (2), |
ISO 690 |
SCHNEIDER, Jiří, et al. Usage of ecosystem forest functions evaluation for the assessment of investment project realization influence to forest ecosystems on the example of natural preserve Klánovický les – Cyrilov. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv., 2008, 7.2: . |