The aim of this study was to analyse genetic diversity of H. annosum s. s. population in selected Scots pine stands with planted beech as a second floor or understorey, in Bolewice and Tuczno Forest Districts. In these stands the 14 genets of H. annosum s. s. were recognised. The biggest genet occupied 84 m2 and the smallest one colonized only one beech. The beech was attacked by pathogen similarly like Scots pine. The genetic diversity of H. annosum s. s. populations was high and the basidiospores played a major role in pathogen’s spreading process in studied stands.
MLA | Dalke, Małgorzata, and Piotr Łakomy. "Genetic diversity of Heterobasidion annosum sensu stricto populations in chosen Scots pine stands with beech in understorey." Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 8.2 (2009): . |
APA | Dalke M., Łakomy P. (2009). Genetic diversity of Heterobasidion annosum sensu stricto populations in chosen Scots pine stands with beech in understorey. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 8 (2), |
ISO 690 | DALKE, Małgorzata, ŁAKOMY, Piotr. Genetic diversity of Heterobasidion annosum sensu stricto populations in chosen Scots pine stands with beech in understorey. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv., 2009, 8.2: . |