The aim of the performed experiments was to assess energy expenditure and static loads of the operator of a chain sawing machine harvesting timber in a pine stand intermediate cutting. The investigations included two technological variants. In variant I, all technological operations were carried out by one worker – operator of the chain saw, while in treatment II the operations were carried out by a team of three persons – two operators of chain sawing machines and a helper. The energy expenditure was determined on the basis of measurements of the ventilation of lungs, whereas the static load – using the OWAS method. The determined net unit energy expenditures of the chain saw operators in the experimental variants exceeded 20 kJ•min-1 and differed statistically significantly between one another. With regard to static loads, a greater proportion of positions negatively affecting the muscle-skeletal system of the operator were found in variant II.
MLA | Stempski, Włodzimierz. "Effect of labour organisation on the level of energy expenditure and static loads of a worker in intermediate cutting." Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 8.2 (2009): . |
APA | Stempski W. (2009). Effect of labour organisation on the level of energy expenditure and static loads of a worker in intermediate cutting. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 8 (2), |
ISO 690 | STEMPSKI, Włodzimierz. Effect of labour organisation on the level of energy expenditure and static loads of a worker in intermediate cutting. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv., 2009, 8.2: . |